Dear Stupid,
Matt and I were waiting for you this past Saturday night on the corner of 17th and Green. We had both put on our fancy clothes and were ready for the occasion. Matt even went to Men's Warehouse and bought a suit. Actually, no. He bought two suits. Two ties, two shirts. That's how committed he was. He was two times committed. I was wearing a nice long dress and heels. HEELS. I spent two hours getting ready that evening. Curls, hairspray, makeup case you haven't seen me lately, these are not things I normally do.
But let's get back to this problem we have. You know, we were waiting for you for probably 10 minutes on the corner before you showed up. And that's not a very big deal. What is a big deal is that you drove up, looked right at us, and drove away.

I know we have only been friends for a short while, but I like to think that we get along pretty well. I've told my friends about you, and typically we go downtown together. So I'm hoping you can see why this complete blow off on your part really hurt. Even if you didn't recognize us, you still should have waited.
Let me tell you what happened after you drove by. Matt and I were relying on you to pick us up and take us downtown to the orchestra. But since you couldn't be bothered, we had to take the subway. That's six blocks in heels. Plus the concert then six more blocks on the way back. I've got physical wounds from this, nevermind the emotional ones.
The fact of the matter is that you really screwed up. And I'm upset about it. But we are friends and for that reason I'm going to forgive you, just don't do it again.
Can I hitch a ride downtown on Thursday?
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