Mike (or Michael, or Mikey, or T-Bone, or whatever) is one of the two hosts of TT.TKO, the podcast, and lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He enjoys kickball, drawing, that one Chiddy Bang song and winning. He and Mattie began recording what would eventually become a weekly podcast back in 2009.
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Matt (or Mattie, or the Squid), of course, is the other host of TT.TKO, the podcast. He lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with his wife Virginia and attends graduate school for something math-related and possibly very fascinating, but who can really say. He enjoys bowling, nachos and frowning.
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Amy likes to create things but doesn't know what to do with her life. She currently writes for TT.TKO as well as her pet project, Forehead Revisited, where she sporadically blogs her way through every episode of Dawson's Creek. She lives in Atlanta and enjoys making things out of construction paper (see above), playing team trivia, having strong opinions about TV shows and playing outside.
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Virginia lives in Philadelphia with Matt and their cat Gwenevere. She makes jewelry and stationary that she sells through her Etsy store and will go down in history as the very first recipient of the esteemed TKO Award.
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