Today will be a short post because I have an exam for which to study. But I'm going to cram this blog full of links. Last week I told you about my proclivity for reading in place of... anything else on Monday mornings. Today I will again offer up those things holding my interest.
- The first bullet has multiple links all spawning from one source. Unpublished photos of cave drawings in Lascaux from the late 1940's. At upwards of 18,000 years old, these drawings are pretty fascinating. The same photographer covered all sorts of crazy stuff: the liberation of Paris; the day of Einstein's death; Apollo 11; Babe Ruth's last days on the diamond. He has lived through and photographed some amazing things, and I'm jealous. But history will be made in my days, too; I just probably won't be as close to it as he was.
- Stone megaliths were uncovered in 1994, and some archeologists consider it to be the most important dig site...ever. The title is a bit sensationalistic, but this is the oldest such site ever found, predating agriculture. This suggests we need to rethink our commonly held views about the life and culture of hunter-gatherers.
- The head of British forces says victory over al-Qaeda is impossible. It's a very level-headed perspective, and at least makes sense through a historical lens.
- A piece by Roger Ebert (my favorite!) about Wall Street and the mortgage business. The article speaks for itself, but now I really want to watch Inside Job.
- Dark energy might have been stronger in the past.
- This is old in internet terms, meaning I've seen before sometime in the past, but it's just a little graph to give some perspective.
- Lastly, for the ladies: you may have read recently that demand for chocolate may exceed supply within our lifetimes... But there is hope! The chocolate genome may save the day.
UPDATE: This is amazing; read it. Guano Islands Act
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