I love me some awkward moments. I eat them up. I can deal with my own and even laugh at them. Nothing compares to witnessing a friend that has to deal with an awkward moment. They turn into great stories that I have no problem telling because it didn’t happen to me. I am nice like that. The big ones make great stories but really we need to appreciate the smaller moments.
Back around Halloween I wrote my first bit about
awkward moments pointing out the fun of playing a song for a friend. Along the same line is sending the wrong text to someone. We aren’t talking about an accidental “hey” we are talking about the kind of text you don’t want the recipient to see. Maybe you meant to text Corey “that bitch” in reference to what Courtney just said to you. Whoops. Nothing quite matches the moment of pure fear that takes over your body when you realize what you have done. The highlight of the moment is the next text. How do you get out of it!?

I think we have all experienced the moment where someone at school or work tells a story that you could care less about. The story teller walks out of the room and someone, maybe even you, opens their mouth and says something like “oh my god shut up no one cares” only to realize that they never left. Oh yeah I love it. I eat it up!!! NOM NOM NOM!!! Even better is when the storyteller did leave the room but they were actually closer than anyone thought so no one is quite sure if they heard or not.

One of my favorite day-to-day awkward moments is the “you go, no you go, I insist you go” that happens basically anywhere. It happens when two cars get to stop signs at the same time, with people at the grocery store, walking down the hall and going in and out of restaurants. Some people get frustrated with it, others can laugh about it and oddly enough some people are really embarrassed by it.
I really suggest you embrace the humor in everyday awkward moments. Just one request, please don’t be the person who actually says “AWKWARD!” because that makes everyone more uncomfortable.
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