Don’t bother denying it. Bacon is the new black. Nothing’s cooler than cool, except maybe bacon. It’s this season’s must-have accessory. No need for a $1,500 Prada purse when you can tote around a few slabs of bacon. It’s the hottest thing to hit the runway this year and it’s a fad we won’t soon forget.
If you ask me, it started with bacon chocolate. I first started hearing of this concoction, I don’t know, two or three years back? It sounded delicious. I’ll mix anything sweet and salty, so the flavor combination of bacon and chocolate sounded right up my alley.
But today in 2011, there are tens, nay, twenties, of bacon-related products I’ve yet to try.
I’ve wanted to try bacon salt for awhile now. Imagine a bacon cheeseburger without all those pesky extra calories that propel your everyday, average cheeseburger from the “pretty unhealthy” column right over into “ye gods.” I’m no health nut, but I’d sprinkle this stuff on a baked potato and call it a healthy vegetable.
Bacon vodka exists, and frankly, I think it could provide just the bit of oomph my Bloody Maries need. Or it could be disgusting. The world (and I) may never know.
If you want to toe the line of hilarious novelty breakfast meat related products, toss some bacon essence into a funny-shaped candle or something. If you want to completely tumble head-over-feet across the line with a beer in one hand and a slab of bacon in other, you should find a way to actually manufacture J&D’s mouth-watering April Fools Day joke from earlier this month—Bacon Air. They’re selling it for a mere $8.99 a bottle, but the caveat is that it does not really exist. Just think of the money that could be made by filling this delicious niche in today's bacon market.
I’ve seen the future, and the future is smoky.
Don't forget Baconnaise!