Let me start off by saying thanks to everyone who made this weekend so much fun. I met a lot of people for the first time this weekend, and I can honestly say I think Internet is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything. (Last two sentences were intentional Amy.... just letting you know now. TRUE NERDS GET MY JOKES.) But seriously, to those that I finally met this weekend: YOU ARE AWESOME. THANK YOU.
Next year, TT.TKO should definitely invest in media badges and try to get some interviews. Like I said in my previous post last Monday, I wish I had had the foresight. Next time perhaps.
Anyway, on to the pictures:
This was my view Friday morning. WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE.
This was actually the next day. I waited for a clear day to get a picture. This is the Boston Convention Center
So this little guy was waiting inside the front doors, behind the information desk
Here is a view of the main Expo Hall from the main entrance (I'm looking to the right in these two pictures, but there was also tons of stuff to the left)
Mind you: this is not long after doors opened on Saturday, so it actually was busier than this later on...
Then I descended into the crowd. Here are some highlights
Here's the Expo Hall seen from behind:
This was an area specifically for table-top gaming.
Seems unpopular, right? Here's the same room later
They also had rooms for console freeplay. There were hundreds of games that you could "rent" and go play
There were also classic consoles. Here's TMNT on SNES
Battletoads on SNES
Some Atari games
And some system I've never even seen
There was also an arcade full of old classics (GALAGA4LYFE)
Here's the stage in the main theater. This is right before the RoosterTeeth panel. The whole thing was set up symmetrically, but I was too close to get all of it in one picture, so I just took one side.
RoosterTeeth filled the theater. There were 4000 people in attendance....
Here's the gang
Burnie took some pictures of us
To top it all off, here's Barbara being... Barbara (with Garrett from Mega64; their booth was right next to the RT booth)
I spent a ton of money, but most of it on food, tolls, and parking. I "bought" two shirts and two cds at the RT booth. (The quotes are for a reason.... those who attended know the story most likely. And no, I didn't steal anything.) I was a teensy bit fanboyish and got all the RT guys to sign my stuff
There are not a lot of events like this in the world, and it actually made a significant impact on me. Coming home and typing up this journal... it's hard to really convey what it was like. So much is lost on the reader, and the pictures hardly do justice. They encapsulate only what the eye sees, which in the end is very little of the overall experience
I had an amazing weekend and I can't wait to do it again next year.
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