I mean, think of the productivity that would be saved by just telling everyone to not bother going to work on April 1st?
Of course, at home, countless roommates will try to emerge from their bedrooms only to have to claw their way through layers of newspaper.
All that being said, April Fool’s Day is a holiday near and dear to my heart. I missed out on it last year because I quite literally forgot which day was the 1st—and I had a couple of good ones planned, too, for a couple of different people. Those plans may be forever forgotten, lost in the ether, a proverbial sword of Damocles constantly hovering, never to land. A tragedy, that.
Or actually, there probably won’t be any blood. It’s just a holiday, after all, and that’s kind of mean. Not to mention gross. And hard to clean up. Maybe there will be shaving cream. Or there will be Silly String. Or at least Saran wrap. There’s always Saran wrap.
Mikey and I actually talked about April Fool's a little in today's episode