At least, it is according to a smattering of billboards posted all across the country by a fundamentalist group called Family Radio. They've been up for a few months now foretelling a Judgment Day that takes place just a few short days from now-- this Friday, in fact.
Elsewhere on the web, a few redditors debated the merits of renting out this billboard to put up on May 22nd.
Things I Will Be Doing On May 20th, 2011, The Day Before Judgment Day
-Working (can we get off early on account of apocalypse?)
-Attending a party for the Atlanta Food & Wine Festival (I already have my dress picked out, so this better not be interrupted by four horsemen)
-Probably drinking a few Diet Cokes (gotta be caffeinated to be properly Judged)
-At some point I may take a nap?
Things I Will Not Be Doing On May 20th, 2011, The Day Before Judgment Day
-Saying goodbye to my loved ones
-Preparing my last will and testament
-Spending all the money in my savings account
-Ticking off items on my bucket list
-Reading the last few pages of the latest James Patterson book because I really want to know what happens
-Putting the finishing touches on my memoir
-Checking on my friends and family
-Getting my financial affairs in order
Overall I think I'll sit this one out. Huffington Post provided a (surprisingly) amusing list of reasons why Friday won't be the end of days, but I'd like to add my own: I have a lot of fun stuff going on this weekend.
And you don't mess with my weekend.
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