The end is nigh, people.
At least, it is according to a smattering of billboards posted all across the country by a fundamentalist group called
Family Radio. They've been up for a few months now foretelling a Judgment Day that takes place just a few short days from now-- this Friday, in fact.

According to the group, this Friday is the day that the righteous and whatnot will ascend to heaven or something. Those of us who remain on Earth will toil away until the
actual end of the world, slated for as soon as this October. Even the Mayans weren't so trigger-happy.
Elsewhere on the web, a few redditors debated the merits of renting out
this billboard to put up on May 22nd.

While it would be awkward to watch a handful of naked zealots floating up to the sky (or will they just
poof disappear? And if so, what happens to those under 17 who haven't yet passed their
Apparition test? Oh wait, sorry, I forgot, this is "real life," not Harry Potter world), I'm not letting this pesky impending doom bother me.
Things I Will Be Doing On May 20th, 2011, The Day Before Judgment Day
-Working (can we get off early on account of apocalypse?)
-Attending a party for the
Atlanta Food & Wine Festival (I already have my dress picked out, so this better not be interrupted by four horsemen)
-Probably drinking a few Diet Cokes (gotta be caffeinated to be properly Judged)
-At some point I may take a nap?
Things I Will Not Be Doing On May 20th, 2011, The Day Before Judgment Day
-Saying goodbye to my loved ones
-Preparing my last will and testament
-Spending all the money in my savings account
-Ticking off items on my bucket list

-Eating bell peppers (I don’t like bell peppers)
-Reading the last few pages of the latest James Patterson book because I really want to know what happens
-Putting the finishing touches on my memoir
-Checking on my friends and family
-Getting my financial affairs in order
Overall I think I'll sit this one out. Huffington Post provided a (surprisingly) amusing
list of reasons why Friday won't be the end of days, but I'd like to add my own: I have a lot of fun stuff going on this weekend.
And you don't mess with my weekend.