Thursday, January 13, 2011

Regularly Scheduled Programming?

Our readers may have noticed that we have not posted an episode in some time. So where have we been? We took an unintentional break over the holidays, so that accounts for two or three weeks. But we actually recorded an episode! I promise! First episode of 2011! SO WHERE THE BALLS IS IT, right?

Well, if you live in, near, or in the general vicinity of Atlanta, you know that there has been a SNOWPOCALYPSE. The whole city has been shut down for, like, four solid days. As far as I can gather from my intelligence sources, Mikey has been barricaded in a hotel near his work so that he has less distance to travel. Since he hasn't been home, he hasn't been able to upload the new show.

JUST BE PATIENT. IT WILL BE UP SOON. As an offering to the TKO Gods, I have a couple videos.

Last night, I bought tickets to see one of my favorite bands. They're finally going to release new material after nearly 9 years (last album was 2002), so I have been waiting VERY PATIENTLY. This first video is one of their new songs.

And just in case you didn't get enough year-end retrospective junk in 2010, here's a compilation of some of the best FAILs of 2010.


  1. SNOWMAGEDDON. This is my fourth day working from home and the restlessness is killing me.

  2. Helen: Hothlanta is probably the best snow-pun I've heard/read so far

    Amy: Go play in the snow?

  3. You mean... that cold... wet stuff? Ha, no, I tried to build a snowman by myself on Monday. It was disappointing and not terribly fun. Plus, now it's not even snow anymore, just big thick sheets of white ice. I'm looking forward to 50 degrees this weekend.
